Iqbal Nasar
Iqbal Nasar, a Pakistani citizen born on January 1, 2002, has also been accused of international terrorist association according to art. 270 bis comma 2 c.p. of the Italian Criminal Code.
Although the investigation seems to suggest Nasar’s sporadic contacts with Gabar members, evidence confirms his close friendship with Tahir Yaseen. In fact, when Yaseen was arrested on February 22, 2021, at the Gare Saint Lazare in Paris Nasar was with him and in November 2021 he moved in with Yaseen and Babar Ali in his house in Fabbrico. It is thus likely that they have both taken part in the February 2022 meeting. Still, social media evidence seems to suggest Nasar’s ideological stance, as he often appeared in TikTok videos wielding weapons alongside other Gabar members such as Raza Hassan and Babar Ali.
Therefore, there is concrete proof of Nasar’s ideological stance and it can be argued that he has been recruited by Yaseen to form the Italian Gabar cell, a statement which is corroborated by the fact that Nasar moved in with Yaseen. It is also likely that Yaseen shared information about the group’s organisation and future plans with him.
Once arrested, Nasar asked for a shortened proceeding and was put on trial on July 12 and 13, 2023 while the judge’s ruling was scheduled for September 18, 2023. In October 2023, he was sentenced for conspiracy to commit terrorism to four years and six months.